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Soccer Fans Under Biometric Surveillance


Recent reports show that soccer fans around the world will be subjected to biometric surveillance in and around stadiums worldwide, to include stadiums at the FIFA 2022 World Cup in Qatar. Moreover, it seems this technology has gained increasing support from proponents citing not only security concerns as a strong reason to employ the tech, but global health issues as well. Experts agree that this is a growing trend that shows no signs of slowing down or stopping and the US is slated to join Canada and Mexico in hosting the 2026 FIFA World Cup.

Slowly but steadily, ubiquitous biometric technology systems have come to represent a new normal for stadium infrastructure in which “health securitization” is incorporated into systems for public safety and marketing. “These elements represent three interlinked use cases for stadium surveillance technologies, which are used interchangeably and sometimes simultaneously."

While we certainly value the safety and security of people and infrastructure at mass gatherings for obvious reasons, the team at Xposure LLC, wants to offer a counterbalance to this trend. Take inventory of the digital footprint and level of privacy that you the user have control over and ask yourself, "Am I needlessly exposed to the whims of marketing corporations, hackers, and any entity who can make money off my personal data?" More often than not the answer to that question will be a resounding "YES." Talk to the experts at Xposure LLC and see what custom solutions and/or trainings are available for you and your family to become more private and secure, so you can have the peace of mind that when your attendance at a mass gathering is captured, there will be far less available personal data to combine it with and sell to the highest bidder.



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